The versatile heavy-lift carrier
The SG-3000 design has everything that is beneficial for a flexible heavy-lift carrier:
- Two Liebherr cranes, each with a lifting capacity of 200 metric tons and up to 22 metres outreach
- A 500 metric tons Ro-Ro ramp
- Pontoon hatch covers with high lifting capacity
- A tween deck that can be used as a vehicle deck, with elements that can also be used as cargo hold bulkheads.
With a length of 79.95 metres, a small crew can operate this highly economical ship. Its compact size and shallow draught also make it manoeuvrable in small ports and narrow waters.
The SG-3000 can also be used as a crane ship and as a construction site transporter in hydraulic engineering to move large loads. It can go where others cannot.
This ship is currently being prepared for production.

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